Planning Application: 221104 (Kildare County Council )
File Number:
Application Type:
Planning Status:
Received Date:
Decision Due Date:
Validated Date:
Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested:
Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date:
Extend Date:
Decision Type:
Decision Date:
Leave to Appeal:
Appeal Date:
Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Kelland Homes Limited,
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
development of a 2-storey childcare facility, measuring c. 366m²,on a site of c. 0.057 hectares located within the existing Blackmillers Hill Estate, at Rathbride Road, Kildare Town. The proposed development will have the effect of modifying the previously permitted childcare facility on the subject site, as granted under extant permission Ref. 16/1227. Access to the proposed development will be via Blackmillers Hill Road, located off Rathbride Road. The proposed development includes for all associated site development works. Revised by Significant Further Information which consists of revisions to the design and layout of proposed development, which now caters for a one storey childcare facility measuring c. 305m2 (gross floor area) with a proposed, enclosed, outdoor play space to the rear of c. 70m2. Revisions to the proposed development also include for revisions to the external elevations and finishes of the proposed childcare facility, amendments to proposed boundary treatments, provision of additional bin storage and bicycle storage (including for visitor bicycle parking spaces) and modifications to the internal layout of the proposed childcare facility. Access to the proposed development will be via Blackmillers Hill road, located off Rathbride Road. The proposed development will have the effect of modifying the previously permitted childcare facility on the subject site, as granted under extant permission Ref. 16/1227. The proposed development also includes for all associated site development works, all on a site area of c. 0.057 hectares located within the existing Blackmillers Hill estate, at Rathbride Road, Kildare Town, County Kildare. The Significant Further Information submitted includes for a: (i) Mobility Management Plan, and (ii) CGIs of the proposed development
Development Address:
Blackmillers Hill Estate,, Rathbride Road,, Kildare Town,, Co. Kildare.
Architect Name:
Davey & Smith Architects
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Louise Murphy
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
development of a 2-storey childcare facility, measuring c. 366m²,on a site of c. 0.057 hectares located within the existing Blackmillers Hill Estate, at Rathbride Road, Kildare Town. The proposed development will have the effect of modifying the previously permitted childcare facility on the subject site, as granted under extant permission Ref. 16/1227. Access to the proposed development will be via Blackmillers Hill Road, located off Rathbride Road. The proposed development includes for all associated site development works. Revised by Significant Further Information which consists of revisions to the design and layout of proposed development, which now caters for a one storey childcare facility measuring c. 305m2 (gross floor area) with a proposed, enclosed, outdoor play space to the rear of c. 70m2. Revisions to the proposed development also include for revisions to the external elevations and finishes of the proposed childcare facility, amendments to proposed boundary treatments, provision of additional bin storage and bicycle storage (including for visitor bicycle parking spaces) and modifications to the internal layout of the proposed childcare facility. Access to the proposed development will be via Blackmillers Hill road, located off Rathbride Road. The proposed development will have the effect of modifying the previously permitted childcare facility on the subject site, as granted under extant permission Ref. 16/1227. The proposed development also includes for all associated site development works, all on a site area of c. 0.057 hectares located within the existing Blackmillers Hill estate, at Rathbride Road, Kildare Town, County Kildare. The Significant Further Information submitted includes for a: (i) Mobility Management Plan, and (ii) CGIs of the proposed development
construction of 33 No. dwellings comprised of 5 No. 4 bed detached houses, 26 No. 3 bed semi-detached houses and 2 No. 2 bed apartments, located over a proposed crèche (240sqm), all within a 2 storey building, along with a separate 2 storey building (380sqm) accommodating retail use. The proposed development provides for landscaping, open spaces, car parking, undergrounding of overhead ESB wires on site and provision of new pylon, and all associated site development works on a site area of 1.7ha located with access off the Rathbride Road. The effect of the proposed development will be a modification to part of an extant permission under Reg. References 07/910 and 14/282, thus replacing 30 No. previously permitted dwellings, crèche and retail unit with 33 No. proposed alternative dwellings, new crèche and retail unit. Revised by Significant Further Information which consists of 35 no. dwellings comprised of 3 no. 4 bed semi-detached houses, 27 no. 3 bed semi-detached houses, 2 no. 3 bed terraced houses, 2 no. 2 bed terraced houses, and 1 no. three bed semi-detached house, 2 storey crèche (235m2) which has been relocated to the front of the site and omission of retail unit
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application