Planning Application: 211041 (Kildare County Council )
File Number:
Application Type:
Planning Status:
Received Date:
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Decision Type:
Decision Date:
Leave to Appeal:
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Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Paul Murphy and Linda Lyons,
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
the renovation of 3 No. 2 storey derelict buildings constructed from stone and brick rubble. Building A will consist of a home office, storage area and WC to ground floor open through upper floor to vaulted ceiling. Building B will consist of existing workshop with no internal changes, timber cladding to the exterior and 4 No. Arts studios to ground floor with exhibition space/kitchenette/break-out space and 2 No. WC to upper floor. The ground floor of Building C will consist of an accessible WC and shower, kitchenette with access to rear patio area, 2 No. office rental spaces, main entrance with WC, access to patio space to rear of building and stairwell to the upper floor. Upper floor will consist of a break-out space and 2 No. office rental spaces all associated site development works including new percolation and wastewater treatment system. It will also include the change of use from residential to commercial
Development Address:
Westown Lodge,, Johnstown,, Co. Kildare.
Architect Name:
Philip Doyle - MDP & Partners
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Lisa Rothwell
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
the renovation of 3 No. 2 storey derelict buildings constructed from stone and brick rubble. Building A will consist of a home office, storage area and WC to ground floor open through upper floor to vaulted ceiling. Building B will consist of existing workshop with no internal changes, timber cladding to the exterior and 4 No. Arts studios to ground floor with exhibition space/kitchenette/break-out space and 2 No. WC to upper floor. The ground floor of Building C will consist of an accessible WC and shower, kitchenette with access to rear patio area, 2 No. office rental spaces, main entrance with WC, access to patio space to rear of building and stairwell to the upper floor. Upper floor will consist of a break-out space and 2 No. office rental spaces all associated site development works including new percolation and wastewater treatment system. It will also include the change of use from residential to commercial
The general repair and refurbishment of the existing two storey plus basement detached house (246 sqm). The construction of a new two storey extension (97 sqm) on the north east side and rear. Associated front, sides and rear elevation changes. Associated internal changes to the existing house on all levels. Replacement of fenestration where required. The essential repairs and refurbishment of the 3 No. existing out buildings. Replacement of existing septic tank with new waste water treatment system. All associated ancillary conservation, landscaping, site development works. Re-use of internal road/parking layout and re-use of the existing vehicular access
change of house type on sites 37-71 Cluain Bhearu. The revised house type will consist of 30 no. two storey semi-detached three bedroom houses (House Type C) in fifteen blocks, 2 no. two storey semi-detached three bedroom houses (House Type C1) in one block and 3 no. two storey three bedroom town houses (House Type H) in one block. This change of house types will involve variations to the approved Site Layout Plan together with the individual site boundaries. All site development works associated with the erection of these 35 residential units shall be carried out generally in accordance with the grant of permission of Athy Town Council register reference 06/300049, extended by Athy Town Council register reference 11/300029 and further extended by Kildare County Council register reference 17/1043. The granting of planning permission for this proposed development will involve a variation in the planning permission of Athy Town Council register reference 06/300049, extended by Athy Town Council reference 11/300029 and further extended by Kildare County Council register reference 17/1043
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application