Planning Application: 201055 (Kildare County Council )
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Applicant Details
Applicant name:
DP Pizza Limited
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
The amalgamation of structures and property at 1b and 1c Willow Drive, Naas Enterprise Park. The proposed development will include a double height, single storey building to link Units 1b and 1c and reconfiguration of space inside both buildings to create a single, operational, production facility including warehouse storage and ancillary office space (with an internal link between the existing ancillary office space in Units 1B and 1C within the link building); a security hut; rising barriers at access points on the site; cycle parking and smoking shelters and ESB substation building to the south of the site; mechanical plant compounds to the west of Unit 1c; new dock levellers; two silo structures to the west of Unit 1c (including the relocated silo currently located to the east of Unit 1b); two sprinkler tanks and pump house to the north of the site; an HGV maintenance and washing area to the north of the site; gas meter building to the south west of the site; reorganization of parking to the front of the building; removal of structures in the rear yard of Unit 1b and ancillary demolition to facilitate the development; new boundary fencing; all proposed signage; all ancillary underground drainage to facilitate the development and all other ancillary works or uses such as revised HGV parking and waste handling areas to the north of the units
The amalgamation of structures and property at 1b and 1c Willow Drive, Naas Enterprise Park. The proposed development will include a double height, single storey building to link Units 1b and 1c and reconfiguration of space inside both buildings to create a single, operational, production facility including warehouse storage and ancillary office space (with an internal link between the existing ancillary office space in Units 1B and 1C within the link building); a security hut; rising barriers at access points on the site; cycle parking and smoking shelters and ESB substation building to the south of the site; mechanical plant compounds to the west of Unit 1c; new dock levellers; two silo structures to the west of Unit 1c (including the relocated silo currently located to the east of Unit 1b); two sprinkler tanks and pump house to the north of the site; an HGV maintenance and washing area to the north of the site; gas meter building to the south west of the site; reorganization of parking to the front of the building; removal of structures in the rear yard of Unit 1b and ancillary demolition to facilitate the development; new boundary fencing; all proposed signage; all ancillary underground drainage to facilitate the development and all other ancillary works or uses such as revised HGV parking and waste handling areas to the north of the units
retention of 8 type industrial units comprising industrial building type C, 1690sqm, 7m to eaves for 36m & 8m to eaves for 48m, subdivided into 3 units, industrial building type K1 etc
Units 1b and 1c Willow Drive, Naas Enterprise Park, Ladytown, Naas,
the construction of a double height single storey extension to the rear of the property with alterations to previously granted planning reference 20/1055 to consist of alteration to ESB Substation, bicycle and smoking shelter location, alterations to elevations, reconfiguration to internal layouts and loading dock pods, alterations to site services and all ancillary site development works
previously permitted under planning reference no's 20/1055 & 22/560. The development will consist of the retention of a) alterations to site layout, b) relocation of silos, c) relocation of external stairs and all associated and ancillary works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application