Extension of Duration of Planning Ref. No. 13/258 - the general repair and refurbishment of the existing two storey plus basement detached house (246 sqm). The construction of a new two storey extension (97 sqm) on the north east side and rear. Associated front, sides and rear elevation changes. Associated internal changes to the existing house on all levels. Replacement of fenestration where required. The essential repairs and refurbishment of the 3 No. existing out buildings. Replacement of existing septic tank with new waste water treatment system. All associated ancillary conservation, landscaping, site development works. Re-use of internal road/parking layout and re-use of the existing vehicular access
Extension of Duration of Planning Ref. No. 13/258 - the general repair and refurbishment of the existing two storey plus basement detached house (246 sqm). The construction of a new two storey extension (97 sqm) on the north east side and rear. Associated front, sides and rear elevation changes. Associated internal changes to the existing house on all levels. Replacement of fenestration where required. The essential repairs and refurbishment of the 3 No. existing out buildings. Replacement of existing septic tank with new waste water treatment system. All associated ancillary conservation, landscaping, site development works. Re-use of internal road/parking layout and re-use of the existing vehicular access
The general repair and refurbishment of the existing two storey plus basement detached house (246 sqm). The construction of a new two storey extension (97 sqm) on the north east side and rear. Associated front, sides and rear elevation changes. Associated internal changes to the existing house on all levels. Replacement of fenestration where required. The essential repairs and refurbishment of the 3 No. existing out buildings. Replacement of existing septic tank with new waste water treatment system. All associated ancillary conservation, landscaping, site development works. Re-use of internal road/parking layout and re-use of the existing vehicular access
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application