Planning Application: 171261 (Kildare County Council )
File Number:
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Planning Status:
Received Date:
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Leave to Appeal:
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Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Kildare Village Business Campus Limited,
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Relocating the existing vehicular entry/egress from the existing roundabout access on the R415 at the south-east corner of the site to a new vehicular entry/egress further north on the R415 along the eastern boundary of the site. The new access arrangements proposed will require works to be carried out on lands in the ownership of Kildare County Council including a proposal to widen the carriageway to accommodate a two lane approach to signal controlled junction, provision of dedicated right turn lane, along with new alignment of public footpath and landscaping . Providing a new, two way road (for public use) along the southern portion of the site with a roundabout junction at the west end. All associated site works including removal of 61 No. space overflow car parking area south-west of site and relocation of 61 No. car parking spaces to east side of building, reconfiguration of existing car parking area to east side of building, reconfiguration of internal circulation for car and HGV movement, relocation of security hut, demolition of storage shed, new landscaping, new public footpaths and a cycleway. For clarity, no works or change of use are proposed in respect of the existing main building on site (containing building formerly occupied by "ModusLink") on lands to the west of the
Development Address:
Nurney Road (R415),, Kildare Town,, Co. Kildare.
Architect Name:
Thomas Jennings - DBFL
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
Relocating the existing vehicular entry/egress from the existing roundabout access on the R415 at the south-east corner of the site to a new vehicular entry/egress further north on the R415 along the eastern boundary of the site. The new access arrangements proposed will require works to be carried out on lands in the ownership of Kildare County Council including a proposal to widen the carriageway to accommodate a two lane approach to signal controlled junction, provision of dedicated right turn lane, along with new alignment of public footpath and landscaping . Providing a new, two way road (for public use) along the southern portion of the site with a roundabout junction at the west end. All associated site works including removal of 61 No. space overflow car parking area south-west of site and relocation of 61 No. car parking spaces to east side of building, reconfiguration of existing car parking area to east side of building, reconfiguration of internal circulation for car and HGV movement, relocation of security hut, demolition of storage shed, new landscaping, new public footpaths and a cycleway. For clarity, no works or change of use are proposed in respect of the existing main building on site (containing building formerly occupied by "ModusLink") on lands to the west of the
West of Nurney Road (R415) Kildare Town Co. Kildare
development on lands to the west of the Nurney Road (R415) (containing building formerly occupied by ‘ModusLink’). The proposed development consists of the following: Relocating the existing vehicular entry/egress from the existing roundabout access on the R415 at the southeast corner of the site to a new vehicular entry/egress further north on the R415 along the eastern boundary of the site. The new access arrangements proposed will require works to be carried out on lands in the ownership of Kildare County Council including a proposal to widen the carriageway to accommodate a two lane approach to signal controlled junction, provision of dedicated right turn lane, along with new alignment of public footpath and landscaping. Providing a new, two way road (for public use) along the southern portion of the site with a roundabout junction at the west end. All associated site works including the removal of 61 no. space overflow car parking area to south-west of site and relocation of 61 no. car parking spaces to the east side of the building, reconfiguration of existing car parking area to east side of building, reconfiguration of internal circulation for car and HGV movement, relocation of security hut, demolition of storage shed, new landscaping, new public footpaths and a cycleway. For clarity, no works or change of use are proposed in respect of the existing main building on site
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application