Planning application details ref: 171224 Kildare County Council

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Planning Application: 171224 (Kildare County Council )
File Number: 171224
Received Date: 02/11/2017 Decision Due Date: 08/07/2018
Validated Date: 02/11/2017 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 05/01/2018 Further Info Received: 14/05/2018
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 04/07/2018
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 30/07/2018
Commenced Date: Submissions By:

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Kilsaran Concrete, t/a Kilsaran Build
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number: 24194682/84
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: the continuance of the following development previously permitted under Kildare County Council (KCC) Reg. Ref. 07/707; ABP Ref. PL09.226792 and KCC Reg. Ref. 14/920. (1) Extraction of sand and gravel and processing on c.85.9 hectares for a 20 year period, with control cabin and canteen facilities, electricity substation, bunded fuel tanks, Electricity Supply Board substation and switch-house and septic tank, aggregate crushing, washing and screening plants and the continued use of the internal access road and existing site access onto the R448 with a further two years to complete site restoration to agriculture. The development proposes progressive restoration throughout the life of sand and gravel extraction. (2) Dry Batch Mortar Plant comprising structures and pieces of plant and machinery:- loading ramp and receiving hopper; a feed conveyor; a drying plant building (c8.6 metres high); external bucket elevators (up to c24.8 metres high); a storage and mixing plant building (c23.5 metres high) (housing plant and machinery); two number finished product storage silos with bulk loadout machinery (c20.5 metres high); prefabricated office; prefabricated compressor container; prefabricated control and switchgear container; a bunded and covered fuel tank; truck and car parking areas. (3) Storage at the existing Overburden Storage Mound (area of c3.4 hectares) which is covered with topsoil and is grass seeded and wil ultimately be used in the restoration of the aforementioned sand and gravel development site. (4) Dry Mortar Bagging Plan and Storage Hall Structure (c7 metres high). (5) Existing weighbridge and wheelwash within the development site. (6) Covered aggregate storage bays, a sand storage shed and a bagging shed. Permission is also sought for the provision of new works including an office building (and two proprietary sewage effluent treatment systems), dry batch mortar plant extension (including plant and machinery), tile manufacturing plant; associated switch-house; car parking; provision of two weighbridges; covered storage sheds; rerouting of internal access road to plant site; the demolition of a storage shed and weighbridge; extraction of sand and gravel to the south-west of previously permitted extraction area and extension to existing overburden storage mound; landscaped screening berms and overburden storage mounds along perimeter of the site. All development will be within the c85.9 hectare Kilsaran Concrete landholding for a period of 20 years
Development Address: Brownstown, Corbally and , Silliothill, Co. Kildare
Architect Name: Location Key: SILLIOTHILL KILDARE
Electoral Division: Planner: Martin Dowling
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 04/07/2018 Manager Order: CE18560
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 44
Grant Date: Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: No Part 5 Apply?: No
Expiry Date: 17/02/2037
Decision Description: the continuance of the following development previously permitted under Kildare County Council (KCC) Reg. Ref. 07/707; ABP Ref. PL09.226792 and KCC Reg. Ref. 14/920. (1) Extraction of sand and gravel and processing on c.85.9 hectares for a 20 year period, with control cabin and canteen facilities, electricity substation, bunded fuel tanks, Electricity Supply Board substation and switch-house and septic tank, aggregate crushing, washing and screening plants and the continued use of the internal access road and existing site access onto the R448 with a further two years to complete site restoration to agriculture. The development proposes progressive restoration throughout the life of sand and gravel extraction. (2) Dry Batch Mortar Plant comprising structures and pieces of plant and machinery:- loading ramp and receiving hopper; a feed conveyor; a drying plant building (c8.6 metres high); external bucket elevators (up to c24.8 metres high); a storage and mixing plant building (c23.5 metres high) (housing plant and machinery); two number finished product storage silos with bulk loadout machinery (c20.5 metres high); prefabricated office; prefabricated compressor container; prefabricated control and switchgear container; a bunded and covered fuel tank; truck and car parking areas. (3) Storage at the existing Overburden Storage Mound (area of c3.4 hectares) which is covered with topsoil and is grass seeded and wil ultimately be used in the restoration of the aforementioned sand and gravel development site. (4) Dry Mortar Bagging Plan and Storage Hall Structure (c7 metres high). (5) Existing weighbridge and wheelwash within the development site. (6) Covered aggregate storage bays, a sand storage shed and a bagging shed. Permission is also sought for the provision of new works including an office building (and two proprietary sewage effluent treatment systems), dry batch mortar plant extension (including plant and machinery), tile manufacturing plant; associated switch-house; car parking; provision of two weighbridges; covered storage sheds; rerouting of internal access road to plant site; the demolition of a storage shed and weighbridge; extraction of sand and gravel to the south-west of previously permitted extraction area and extension to existing overburden storage mound; landscaped screening berms and overburden storage mounds along perimeter of the site. All development will be within the c85.9 hectare Kilsaran Concrete landholding for a period of 20 years

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 01/08/2018 BP Reference #: 302199-18
Appeal Type: THIRD PARTY File Forward Date: 20/08/2018
Submission Due Date: 28/08/2018 Submission Sent Date: 27/08/2018
Appeal Decision: CONDITIONAL Decision Date: 18/02/2019
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date:
Reason: 20