constructing 94 no. dwellings and a creche with entrance off Emerson Court access road. The dwellings consist of 80 no. 2 storey semi-detached houses, 1 no. 2 storey detached houses, 1 No. 2 storey blocks containing 2 no. maisonette units, 2 No. 2 storey blocks containing 4 no. maisonette units each and 1 no. 2 storey terraced blocks containing 3 no. houses. The development also includes connection to existing foul sewer, natural playscape play area, provision of part road as defined as PR8 of KCC Development plan 2017-2023, provision of pedestrian permeability to The Downings as defined under PR16 of KCC Development plan 2017-2023, provision of landscaped linear park as defined as PR30 of KCC Development plan 2017-2023 and all associated ancillary siteworks. The principle amendments to the original scheme entail 1) revision to link road as defined as PR8 of KCC Development Plan 2017 to include cycle lanes and footpaths to both sides; 2) redesign of internal road layouts; 3) change in house type breakdown to now consist of 78 no. 2 storey semi-detached houses, 6 no. 2 storey detached houses. 2 No 2 story blocks containing 4 no. maisonette units each and 1 no. 2 storey block containing 2. no maisonettes; 4) pedestrian link to the east; 5) redesign of foul sewer layout to include pumping station; 6) redesign of surface water layout to include 2 no. swales and 7) all associated ancillary site-works.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application