Planning application details ref: 161091 Kildare County Council

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Planning Application: 161091 (Kildare County Council )
File Number: 161091
Received Date: 17/10/2016 Decision Due Date: 13/07/2017
Validated Date: 17/10/2016 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 09/12/2016 Further Info Received: 16/06/2017
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 13/07/2017
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 29/06/2017

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Masonbrook Holdings Limited,
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number: 24177931
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: the demolition of the existing single storey former school buildings facing Meadow Road and associated outbuildings, and construction of 37 No. single, two and two/three storey dwellings and central open space, dwellings comprising 2 No. 3 bedroom and 1 No. 2 bedroom detached houses, 6 No. 2 bedroom semi-detached houses, 19 No. 3 bedroom terraced houses and 9 No. 3 bedroom own door two/three storey apartments with balconies facing Meadow Road, over semi-basement car park, all with optional solar panels, gated vehicular entrance and pedestrian access from Dublin Street to new access road and 43 No. car parking spaces and new vehicular and pedestrian access from Meadow Road to 34 No. semi-basement car parking spaces, all associated public open space, cycle parking, landscaping, lighting, boundary treatments, site and development works on part of the former Presentation Secondary School Site, measuring Circa 0.75ha. As revised by Significant Further Information which consists of the omission of the entrance to a semi-basement carpark from Meadow Road with new access via ramp from central open space; 27 No. semi-basement carparking spaces; widened public pedestrian access from meadow road; omission of house no. 20; widened footpaths to access road; revisions to proposed apartment block facing Meadow Road to comprise 10 no. 2 bed room two/three storey apartments with balconies; reconfigured surface carparking arrangement; and provision of communal bin storage areas and all associated site works.
Development Address: Dublin Street and Meadow Road, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare.
Architect Name: Kevin Woods - Sheridan Woods Location Key: DUBLIN STREET KILDARE
Electoral Division: Planner: Elaine Donohoe
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Yes Comments: SFI Submission Deadline 29/06/2017


Decision Date: 13/07/2017 Manager Order: DO13154
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 40
Grant Date: 23/08/2017 Grant Managers Order #: DO13154
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?: Yes
Expiry Date: 22/08/2022
Decision Description: the demolition of the existing single storey former school buildings facing Meadow Road and associated outbuildings, and construction of 37 No. single, two and two/three storey dwellings and central open space, dwellings comprising 2 No. 3 bedroom and 1 No. 2 bedroom detached houses, 6 No. 2 bedroom semi-detached houses, 19 No. 3 bedroom terraced houses and 9 No. 3 bedroom own door two/three storey apartments with balconies facing Meadow Road, over semi-basement car park, all with optional solar panels, gated vehicular entrance and pedestrian access from Dublin Street to new access road and 43 No. car parking spaces and new vehicular and pedestrian access from Meadow Road to 34 No. semi-basement car parking spaces, all associated public open space, cycle parking, landscaping, lighting, boundary treatments, site and development works on part of the former Presentation Secondary School Site, measuring Circa 0.75ha. As revised by Significant Further Information which consists of the omission of the entrance to a semi-basement carpark from Meadow Road with new access via ramp from central open space; 27 No. semi-basement carparking spaces; widened public pedestrian access from meadow road; omission of house no. 20; widened footpaths to access road; revisions to proposed apartment block facing Meadow Road to comprise 10 no. 2 bed room two/three storey apartments with balconies; reconfigured surface carparking arrangement; and provision of communal bin storage areas and all associated site works.

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: