Minor alterations to previously granted planning permission Ref: 11/213 as follows: (a) relocation of permitted dwelling on site; (b) amendments to conditions 2(ii) glazing on north east elevation and 2(iii) balcony on north west elevation all
Extension of Duration of Planning Ref. 11/213 - for a two storey dormer style dwelling house and detached garage with all associated site works including a new vehicular entrance
Alterations to previously approved development (Reg. Ref. 11213 and extended under Reg. Ref.16271). The proposed alterations consist of a change of approved (two-storey dormer style 5 bedroom dwelling house and detached garage) to a part single, part two-storey 5 bedroom dwelling with pitched roof (271 sq.m.) with associated single-storey outbuildings, (55sqm), driveway/car parking, landscaping, a new vehicular entrance and all associated site works.
for alterations to a previously approved development (Reg. Ref. 11/213 and extended under Reg. Ref 16/1271). The proposed alterations consist of a change of approved (two-storey dormer style 5 bedroom dwelling house and detached garage) to a part single, part two-storey 5 bedroom dwelling with pitched roof (271sq.m) with associated single-storey outbuildings (55 sqm), driveway/car parking, landscaping, a new vehicular entrance and all associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application