in respect of an existing 10 unit stable block and permission is sought for two additional 10 unit stable blocks and for a recessed entrance from the public road
1.Construction of c.600sq/m single storey Interactive Museum Building within The Irish National Stud grounds for the purpose of enhancing the visitor experience & providing an insight into the life-cycle of a Thoroughbred Racehorse from an Irish context. 2. Provision of temporary Contractors compound within the site which will convert to car parking area on completion of construction. 3.Decommissioning of existing septic tank serving Irish National Stud office building adjacent to site & connection of same to main foul sewer within The Irish National Stud grounds. 4.All associated site works & ancillary services
1. Construction of 2 No. stand-alone single storey electrical switch rooms to facilitate the upgrade of electrical supply required for Irish National Stud buildings and operations. 2. Amendments to existing elevation of multi-purpose room comprising of additional glazed openings. 3. All associated site works and ancillary services
alterations and extension c. 215 sqm to existing admissions building to accommodate entrance area, office area, increased retail floor space, additional toilet facilities and ancillary services, and all associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application