sought for extended members bar, with new elevation, add. toilet & storage facilities, meeting room, additional equipment store for sports hall, etc. Also retention is sought for goal posts and outdoor lighting around the training area all at
alterations to previously approved planning permission (ref: 02/1767) to include change of use from storage to new function room (area 130 sqm) and for new single storey extension for storage (area 65 sqm) to east elevation
the construction of a 9.5 metre x 10.21 metre by 5 metre high concrete hurling skills wall in a "H" configuration and centred on a 29.9 metre x 10.55 play area. Lighting to be provided by 4 No. spotlights (2 No. directed to each side of centre wall) and mounted on a metal frame affixed to the centre wall at a height of 6.645m above ground level. The application also covers retention permission for removal of a disused modular waste water treatment system and distribution box
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application