a retail warehouse building which comprises of a single storey building with total floor area of 875sqm plus 45 No. car parking spaces together with all associated works including a pedestrian entrance onto Monread Road, a service yard along the western side of the proposed building with security fencing/wall boundary treatment and 3 No. signs on the northern, southern and eastern elevations of the proposed building
for a retail warehouse building. The development comprises a single storey building, total floor area 875sqm plus 45 no. car parking spaces together with all associated works including a pedestrian entrance to Monread Road, a service yard along the western side of the proposed building and security fencing and boundary wall treatment and 3 no. signs on the Northern, Southern and Eastern elevations of the proposed building. This application is an unchanged re-application for that development previously granted permission plan ref 18/474 which is due to lapse
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application