Planning application details ref: 21757 Clare County Council

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Planning Application: 21757 (Clare County Council )
File Number: 21757
Received Date: 16/07/2021 Decision Due Date: 08/08/2022
Validated Date: 16/07/2021 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 08/09/2021 Further Info Received: 10/06/2022
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 08/08/2022
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 30/08/2022
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 18/07/2022

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Art Data Centres Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: - a permission of 10 years in duration is sought. The application site has a total of c. 60 hectares with a nett area for development of c. 45 hectares, and is bound to the south by R352 (Tulla Road), to the east and the north by agriculture land, to the west by the M18. The development will consist of: the demolition of an existing single storey with pitched roof farm dwelling house together with 8 No. farm outbuildings on the overall site. The construction of 6 No. two storey data centre buildings with three storey plant/office levels and associated ancillary development that will have a combined gross floor area of 118,740 sqm. These data halls are maximum 19m high and will consist of the data halls and air handling units and offices and ancillary plant and support. Each of the six data centre buildings will include data halls, associated electrical and mechanical plant rooms, loading bays, maintenance and storage spaces, office administration areas, pump rooms, water storage tanks, and plant, as well as backup (standby) generators (11 No. per building) for emergency use only situated along one elevation of each building. The standby diesel generators will have associated 8 m high flues. Each generator will also include local diesel storage tanks with a single refuelling area to serve the proposed emergency generators. A gas powered energy centre and Above Ground Installation (AGI)4,674 sqm in size . The energy centre will primarily comprise 18 no. lean-burn natural gas engines, 2 No. pump rooms, and fuel storage compound. Each generator will have its own flue of 25m height. The energy centre and buildings within the compound will be 12 m high, single storey with mezzanine level. The buildings will house ancillary office, welfare facilities and associated parking. A two storey Vertical Farm Building. The vertical farm will be c. 2,430 sqm and 12m high. It will comprise c. service area of 1,444 sqm, handling area of 844 sqm and ancillary areas. Please see newspaper notice for full development description
Development Address: Tooreen, Cahernalough, Knockanean,, Ballymacahill, Muckinish and Rosslevan,, Tulla Road, Ennis, Co Clare
Architect Name: Location Key: ENNIS
Electoral Division: Planner: Fiona Murren
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: Clarification of FI is deemed a full response and significant.


Decision Date: 08/08/2022 Manager Order: 80246
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 15
Grant Date: 15/04/2024 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 14/04/2029
Decision Description: - a permission of 10 years in duration is sought. The application site has a total of c. 60 hectares with a nett area for development of c. 45 hectares, and is bound to the south by R352 (Tulla Road), to the east and the north by agriculture land, to the west by the M18. The development will consist of: the demolition of an existing single storey with pitched roof farm dwelling house together with 8 No. farm outbuildings on the overall site. The construction of 6 No. two storey data centre buildings with three storey plant/office levels and associated ancillary development that will have a combined gross floor area of 118,740 sqm. These data halls are maximum 19m high and will consist of the data halls and air handling units and offices and ancillary plant and support. Each of the six data centre buildings will include data halls, associated electrical and mechanical plant rooms, loading bays, maintenance and storage spaces, office administration areas, pump rooms, water storage tanks, and plant, as well as backup (standby) generators (11 No. per building) for emergency use only situated along one elevation of each building. The standby diesel generators will have associated 8 m high flues. Each generator will also include local diesel storage tanks with a single refuelling area to serve the proposed emergency generators. A gas powered energy centre and Above Ground Installation (AGI)4,674 sqm in size . The energy centre will primarily comprise 18 no. lean-burn natural gas engines, 2 No. pump rooms, and fuel storage compound. Each generator will have its own flue of 25m height. The energy centre and buildings within the compound will be 12 m high, single storey with mezzanine level. The buildings will house ancillary office, welfare facilities and associated parking. A two storey Vertical Farm Building. The vertical farm will be c. 2,430 sqm and 12m high. It will comprise c. service area of 1,444 sqm, handling area of 844 sqm and ancillary areas. Please see newspaper notice for full development description

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 30/08/2022 BP Reference #: ABP-314474-22
Appeal Type: THIRD PARTY File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: 26/09/2022 Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: MODIFIED Decision Date: 05/04/2024
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: