Planning Application: 2460585 (Wicklow County Council )
File Number:
Application Type:
Planning Status:
Received Date:
Decision Due Date:
Validated Date:
Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested:
Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date:
Extend Date:
Decision Type:
Decision Date:
Leave to Appeal:
Appeal Date:
Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Niall Davis
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
permission for the erection of five detached single storey pods each of which would accommodate a studio style holiday dwelling containing a bedroom, kitchenette and toilet with shower and wash-hand basin, to be clad in timber and metallic sheeting and covered with a mono-pitch roof. A single metallic sheeting and covered with a mono-pitch roof sauna. These units would be served by individual soakpits and a gully, a communal wastewater treatment system and soil polishing filter, a new well for potable water purposes, a vehicular driveway with five car parking bays therein and all site works including landscaping and the formation of clay banks. This development is to be accessed via and entrance and driveway which was permitted by the Council under reg. 2225 and which has already been constructed. This development contravenes condition 6 of permission reg. 2225 (which states that ‘Existing shrub and tree vegetation…shall be retained, particularly along the entire roadside boundary’ to the degree that many trees were lost during violent storms in the year 2023 and the present application seeks to provide replenishment planting through a wholly new landscaping scheme, which forms part of this current submission
and associate works
Development Address:
Ballinastoe, Roundwood, Bray, A98F5P6
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Keara Kennedy
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
First party appeal ABP-321407-24 received by ABP on the 09/12/2024
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
permission for the erection of five detached single storey pods each of which would accommodate a studio style holiday dwelling containing a bedroom, kitchenette and toilet with shower and wash-hand basin, to be clad in timber and metallic sheeting and covered with a mono-pitch roof. A single metallic sheeting and covered with a mono-pitch roof sauna. These units would be served by individual soakpits and a gully, a communal wastewater treatment system and soil polishing filter, a new well for potable water purposes, a vehicular driveway with five car parking bays therein and all site works including landscaping and the formation of clay banks. This development is to be accessed via and entrance and driveway which was permitted by the Council under reg. 2225 and which has already been constructed. This development contravenes condition 6 of permission reg. 2225 (which states that ‘Existing shrub and tree vegetation…shall be retained, particularly along the entire roadside boundary’ to the degree that many trees were lost during violent storms in the year 2023 and the present application seeks to provide replenishment planting through a wholly new landscaping scheme, which forms part of this current submission
and associate works
single storey detached dwelling. The proposed dwelling shall have a floor space of 206.5sqm comprising four bedrooms, a combined kitchen/living/dining room and home office, together with ancillary utility, bathroom and hallway accommodation. The dwelling would be served by a new entrance off local road L1036, the drilling of a well for a private water supply, and an on site 'Aswaflow' secondary waste water treatment facility. The application also includes an integral building wihich is to be used solely by the applicant personally for bike repair and general maintenance purposes and for storing equipment associated with the adjacent bicycle rental business
the erection of a single storey detached dwelling. The proposed dwelling shall have a floor space of 222 sqm, comprising four bedrooms, a combined kitchen/living/dining room and home office, together with ancillary utility, bathroom and hallway accommodation. The dwelling would be served by a new entrance off local road L1036, the drilling of a well for private water supply, and an on site effluent disposal system to current EPA standards. The applicaiton also includes an integral building which is to be used solely by the applicant personally for bike repair and general maintenance purposes and for storing equipment associated with the adjacent bicycle rental business.