Planning Application: 2160 (Wicklow County Council )
File Number:
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Planning Status:
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Leave to Appeal:
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Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
ABO Wind Ireland Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
10 year permission for Construction of up to 5 No. wind turbines with a maximum overall blade top height of 165m, with a transformer at each turbine and associated hard stand area; 1No. 38kV electrical substation and all associated infrastructure and works; 20kV underground cables facilitating the connection of turbines to 38kV electrical substation and all associated infrastructure and works; Circa 6.5km of 38kV underground cabling and all associated works along public roads to facilitate the connection of the proposed 38kV wind farm electrical substation to the existing Stratford 38/110kV substation referred to as 'the grid route', Provision of a heritage trail circa 1km in length to include associated information signage (located at the key heritage assets) and parking area; Replacement of existing grass verge with a new 1 metre wide footway at each bridge crossing along the 'grid route'; New site tracks, upgraded site tracks and all associated works; 1 No. 30m permanent meteorological mast and all associated infrastructure and works; A temporary site compound and all associated works; and All associated and ancillary site development works The application site includes Protected Structures. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development and will be submitted with the application.
10 year permission for Construction of up to 5 No. wind turbines with a maximum overall blade top height of 165m, with a transformer at each turbine and associated hard stand area; 1No. 38kV electrical substation and all associated infrastructure and works; 20kV underground cables facilitating the connection of turbines to 38kV electrical substation and all associated infrastructure and works; Circa 6.5km of 38kV underground cabling and all associated works along public roads to facilitate the connection of the proposed 38kV wind farm electrical substation to the existing Stratford 38/110kV substation referred to as 'the grid route', Provision of a heritage trail circa 1km in length to include associated information signage (located at the key heritage assets) and parking area; Replacement of existing grass verge with a new 1 metre wide footway at each bridge crossing along the 'grid route'; New site tracks, upgraded site tracks and all associated works; 1 No. 30m permanent meteorological mast and all associated infrastructure and works; A temporary site compound and all associated works; and All associated and ancillary site development works The application site includes Protected Structures. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development and will be submitted with the application.