Planning application details ref: 191345 Wicklow County Council

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Planning Application: 191345 (Wicklow County Council )
File Number: 191345
Received Date: 16/12/2019 Decision Due Date: 18/02/2020
Validated Date: 16/12/2019 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Refused Decision Date: 18/02/2020
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 13/03/2020
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 28/01/2020

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Sur Le Mer Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: waste management facility for the acceptance, storage, sorting and transfer of non hazardous skip waste, construction and demolition waste, green waste and mixed dry recyclables and a public recycling centre for the acceptance of non hazardous household bulky waste, timber, dry recyclable waste, green biodegradable (landscaping type) waste, metal, glass and household WEEE and batteries. The total waste intake at the facility will be up to 24,500 tonnes per annum. The development will include the construction of a waste management facility to include site entrance, waste reception sorting and storage building, office building, a weighbridge, a weighbridge reception hut, car parking facilities, concrete hardstanding, a wastewater treatment system, foul water holding tank, surface water soakaway, silt trap, interceptor and all associated site works and additionally, the construction of a public recycling centre to include site entrance, non fixed waste receptacles (skips, bins, cages and bottle banks) a reception hut, traffic barriers and all associated site works. Works will also include the demolition of existing derelict buildings on the site (approx. 1960 sqm area) and the clean up and removal of historical waste at the existing site, the erection of boundary walls and railings and entrance gates, landscaping and native wildflower patches and provision of suitable lighting. It is proposed to operate the facility from 08.00 until 17.00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 14:00 on Saturdays. It is not proposed to operate the facility on Sundays or Bank Holidays. The development will require a waste management facility permit from Wicklow County Council. A Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the Planning Authority
Development Address: Bollarney, Murrough, Wicklow, Co. Wicklow
Architect Name: Location Key: BOLLARNEY
Electoral Division: Planner: Edel Bermingham
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: Yes
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: ABP received a first party appeal on 13/03/2020


Decision Date: 18/02/2020 Manager Order: 221/2020
Decision Type: Refused Number of Conditions: 4
Grant Date: Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 07/04/2027
Decision Description: waste management facility for the acceptance, storage, sorting and transfer of non hazardous skip waste, construction and demolition waste, green waste and mixed dry recyclables and a public recycling centre for the acceptance of non hazardous household bulky waste, timber, dry recyclable waste, green biodegradable (landscaping type) waste, metal, glass and household WEEE and batteries. The total waste intake at the facility will be up to 24,500 tonnes per annum. The development will include the construction of a waste management facility to include site entrance, waste reception sorting and storage building, office building, a weighbridge, a weighbridge reception hut, car parking facilities, concrete hardstanding, a wastewater treatment system, foul water holding tank, surface water soakaway, silt trap, interceptor and all associated site works and additionally, the construction of a public recycling centre to include site entrance, non fixed waste receptacles (skips, bins, cages and bottle banks) a reception hut, traffic barriers and all associated site works. Works will also include the demolition of existing derelict buildings on the site (approx. 1960 sqm area) and the clean up and removal of historical waste at the existing site, the erection of boundary walls and railings and entrance gates, landscaping and native wildflower patches and provision of suitable lighting. It is proposed to operate the facility from 08.00 until 17.00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 14:00 on Saturdays. It is not proposed to operate the facility on Sundays or Bank Holidays. The development will require a waste management facility permit from Wicklow County Council. A Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the Planning Authority

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 19/03/2020 BP Reference #: 306903-20
Appeal Type: APPLICANT File Forward Date: 26/03/2020
Submission Due Date: 15/04/2020 Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: CONDITIONAL Decision Date: 08/04/2022
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date:
Reason: 11