Planning Application: 191338 (Wicklow County Council )
File Number:
Application Type:
Planning Status:
Received Date:
Decision Due Date:
Validated Date:
Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested:
Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date:
Extend Date:
Decision Type:
Decision Date:
Leave to Appeal:
Appeal Date:
Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Stanford Woods Healthcare Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
predominantly two storey residential car building with an attic plant room and storage area. The gross floor area will be 12067 sqm of which 5575 sqm is at ground level; 5377 sqm is at first floor and a further 1115 sqm is at attic floor level. The accommodation will comprise ensuite bedrooms, day spaces, balconies at upper floor level and ancillary sanitary accommodation for residents with support services such as recreation / activity rooms, physiotherapy suite, treatment and occupational therapy rooms, Oratory, Daycare and hairdressing. It will include a family run café (open to the public), administration offices, staff rest, dining, changing and training facilities, catering kitchens, laundry, plant room, maintenance workshop and electrical switch room, a substation and standby generator. The site will be fully landscaped with provision of sensory gardens and walkways including gazebo features and mounded screen planting 1.2m above finished ground level. Employee, service and visitor car and covered cycle parking will be provided. The existing site entrance from the L1043 will be improved and, with a driveway, provide the primary access. The existing access from the L5406 will be improved to provide a recreational and emergency gated access from / to Willowgrove. The development will connect to the existing water supply infrastructure in the area. The development will connect to a proposed pumping station and rising main south of the site. This in turn will discharge foul effluent from the site at Killickbawn into the Greystones Delgany Kilcoole public district sewerage scheme
Development Address:
Killickabawn, Kilpedder, Delgany, Co. Wicklow
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
ABP 5x 3rd Party appeal rec 15/01/21. Response to FI req extended by 3 mths up to and incl 11Nov2020
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
predominantly two storey residential car building with an attic plant room and storage area. The gross floor area will be 12067 sqm of which 5575 sqm is at ground level; 5377 sqm is at first floor and a further 1115 sqm is at attic floor level. The accommodation will comprise ensuite bedrooms, day spaces, balconies at upper floor level and ancillary sanitary accommodation for residents with support services such as recreation / activity rooms, physiotherapy suite, treatment and occupational therapy rooms, Oratory, Daycare and hairdressing. It will include a family run café (open to the public), administration offices, staff rest, dining, changing and training facilities, catering kitchens, laundry, plant room, maintenance workshop and electrical switch room, a substation and standby generator. The site will be fully landscaped with provision of sensory gardens and walkways including gazebo features and mounded screen planting 1.2m above finished ground level. Employee, service and visitor car and covered cycle parking will be provided. The existing site entrance from the L1043 will be improved and, with a driveway, provide the primary access. The existing access from the L5406 will be improved to provide a recreational and emergency gated access from / to Willowgrove. The development will connect to the existing water supply infrastructure in the area. The development will connect to a proposed pumping station and rising main south of the site. This in turn will discharge foul effluent from the site at Killickbawn into the Greystones Delgany Kilcoole public district sewerage scheme