development of tourism chalet accommodation. The development comprises; the erection of 5 no. chalet units and a communal facilities building to provide sustainable tourist accommodation totalling 516 sqm to facilitate the accommodation demands of visiting tourists, the provision of associated visitor parking (9 no.), secure cycle parking (20 no.) accessed from a new proposed vehicular access (L1235), a proposed pedestrian only access from the existing field access (R391), a proposed wastewater treatment system and all associated ancillary services, above and below ground and landscaping proposals to integrate, promote and enhance biodiversity
development of tourism chalet accommodation. The development comprises; the erection of 5 no. chalet units and a communal facilities building to provide sustainable tourist accommodation totalling 516 sqm to facilitate the accommodation demands of visiting tourists, the provision of associated visitor parking (9 no.), secure cycle parking (20 no.) accessed from a new proposed vehicular access (L1235), a proposed pedestrian only access from the existing field access (R391), a proposed wastewater treatment system and all associated ancillary services, above and below ground and landscaping proposals to integrate, promote and enhance biodiversity