File Number: | 22456 | ||
Application Type: | PERMISSION | Planning Status: | APPLICATION FINALISED |
Received Date: | 05/07/2022 | Decision Due Date: | 29/08/2022 |
Validated Date: | 05/07/2022 | Invalidated Date: | |
Further Info Requested: | Further Info Received: | ||
Withdrawn Date: | Extend Date: | ||
Decision Type: | Conditional | Decision Date: | 19/08/2022 |
Leave to Appeal: | Appeal Date: | 14/09/2022 | |
Commenced Date: | Submissions By: | 08/08/2022 |
Applicant Details |
Applicant name: | Tipperary Race Company PLC | ||
Applicant Address: | |||
Phone Number: | Fax Number: | ||
Corresp. Address: |
Proposed Development |
Development Description: | an All-Weather Horse Race Track integrated around the existing turf track to include: new 2.2km long sand based track ranging in width from 14-18m including 3 furlong sprint chute extension, 3.2m wide Gallop inc. all assoc. site infrastructure such as railings, start locations and other ancillary infrastructure, new Underpass to All Weather and Turf Track, surface water drainage system to new track inc. storm water attenuation pond and storm water retention pond located inside the existing turf track, attenuation pond to the NW of the new all-weather track, modifications to existing turf track to facilitate new track, dedicated 3.0 to 3.5m wide circulation track to perimeter of new track for movement of emergency and service vehicles, new underpass for movement of vehicles from outer to inner track areas, treatment and upgrade to existing site boundaries, demolition of existing stable block (60 stables) and erection of new stable blocks comprising of 82 stables and assoc. works, demolition of Ancillary Building of 18m2, removal of existing parade ring (1,265m2) and construction of new parade ring (1,565m2) and assoc. works, demolition of maintenance shed of 180m2 and construction of new maintenance shed of 360m2, provision of 1No. permanent fixed steel tower of 10m in height together with 7 no. of vehicle hardstands to facilitate televisions and communications requirements, new LED floodlighting ranging in height from 12 to 34m to full perimeter of new track and assoc. cabling/ducting, new LED lighting to proposed stable block and adjacent areas, new ESB infrastructure inc. MV / LV Substation, MV Switch Room, Transformer Room and LV Switch room, consolidation of existing 4No. vehicular access points from the N24 into 3No. access points and internal modifications to carpark and internal circulation routes, proposed surface water drainage to new All Weather Track including culverting and/or diverting of existing watercourses, water ring main and assoc. hydrants to facilitate watering of the existing turf track served by proposed new well inc. submersible pump chamber and above ground control kiosk, landscaping including hedgerow and tree removal, decommissioning existing foul treatment system and new connection to IW infrastructure, new signage at site boundary along the N24 and all assoc. site works including security offices, fencing, embankments, ducting and site services. The planning application is accompanied by a Natura lmpact Statement | ||
Development Address: | Ballykisteen, Gotinstown, Acraboy, Knockaneduff, Limerick Junction, Co. Tipperary | ||
Architect Name: | Location Key: | BALLYKISSEEN | |
Electoral Division: | Planner: | Lauren Butler Ryan | |
Social Housing Exempt: | Plan Enforcement #: | TUD-17-168 | |
IPC Licence Required: | No | Waste Licence Required: | No |
Protected Structure: | No | Protected Structure #: | |
Development Name: |
Comments |
Significant Case Flag: | Comments: |
Decision |
Decision Date: | 19/08/2022 | Manager Order: | |
Decision Type: | Conditional | Number of Conditions: | 16 |
Grant Date: | Grant Managers Order #: | ||
Section 47 Apply?: | Part 5 Apply?: | ||
Expiry Date: | 22/01/2029 | ||
Decision Description: | an All-Weather Horse Race Track integrated around the existing turf track to include: new 2.2km long sand based track ranging in width from 14-18m including 3 furlong sprint chute extension, 3.2m wide Gallop inc. all assoc. site infrastructure such as railings, start locations and other ancillary infrastructure, new Underpass to All Weather and Turf Track, surface water drainage system to new track inc. storm water attenuation pond and storm water retention pond located inside the existing turf track, attenuation pond to the NW of the new all-weather track, modifications to existing turf track to facilitate new track, dedicated 3.0 to 3.5m wide circulation track to perimeter of new track for movement of emergency and service vehicles, new underpass for movement of vehicles from outer to inner track areas, treatment and upgrade to existing site boundaries, demolition of existing stable block (60 stables) and erection of new stable blocks comprising of 82 stables and assoc. works, demolition of Ancillary Building of 18m2, removal of existing parade ring (1,265m2) and construction of new parade ring (1,565m2) and assoc. works, demolition of maintenance shed of 180m2 and construction of new maintenance shed of 360m2, provision of 1No. permanent fixed steel tower of 10m in height together with 7 no. of vehicle hardstands to facilitate televisions and communications requirements, new LED floodlighting ranging in height from 12 to 34m to full perimeter of new track and assoc. cabling/ducting, new LED lighting to proposed stable block and adjacent areas, new ESB infrastructure inc. MV / LV Substation, MV Switch Room, Transformer Room and LV Switch room, consolidation of existing 4No. vehicular access points from the N24 into 3No. access points and internal modifications to carpark and internal circulation routes, proposed surface water drainage to new All Weather Track including culverting and/or diverting of existing watercourses, water ring main and assoc. hydrants to facilitate watering of the existing turf track served by proposed new well inc. submersible pump chamber and above ground control kiosk, landscaping including hedgerow and tree removal, decommissioning existing foul treatment system and new connection to IW infrastructure, new signage at site boundary along the N24 and all assoc. site works including security offices, fencing, embankments, ducting and site services. The planning application is accompanied by a Natura lmpact Statement. |
Appeal Details | |||
Notification Date: | 15/09/2022 | BP Reference #: | APB-314621-22 |
Appeal Type: | THIRD PARTY | File Forward Date: | 19/09/2022 |
Submission Due Date: | 12/10/2022 | Submission Sent Date: | 10/10/2022 |
Appeal Decision: | CONDITIONAL | Decision Date: | 23/01/2024 |
Withdrawn Date: | Dismissed Date: | ||
Reason: |