a twenty (20) year planning permission for continuations of the operational life of the existing wind farm (SCC Reg. Ref 98/533 & ABP Pl Ref. 21.110572 as amended by SCC Reg Ref.04/1315) from the date of expiration (23rd June 2025) of the current permission. No modifications are proposed to the existing wind farm which comprises the follow elements: a. 4 no. existing wind turbines with a hub height of 44m and a rotor diameter of 52m; b. Existing 1 no. onsite electrical substation compound which includes a control building, welfare facilities, associated electrical plant and equipment, security fencing, associated underground cabling; c. All associated existing underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the turbines to the on-site substation; d. Existing site access tracks of c.1.5km in length and 4 no. turbines hardstandings; e. Existing site drainage and; f. All existing ancillary infrastructure, associated site fencing and signage
Development Address:
Carrane Hill Wind Farm, townlands of Carrownadargny, near Geevagh, County Sligo
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
a twenty (20) year planning permission for continuations of the operational life of the existing wind farm (SCC Reg. Ref 98/533 & ABP Pl Ref. 21.110572 as amended by SCC Reg Ref.04/1315) from the date of expiration (23rd June 2025) of the current permission. No modifications are proposed to the existing wind farm which comprises the follow elements: a. 4 no. existing wind turbines with a hub height of 44m and a rotor diameter of 52m; b. Existing 1 no. onsite electrical substation compound which includes a control building, welfare facilities, associated electrical plant and equipment, security fencing, associated underground cabling; c. All associated existing underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the turbines to the on-site substation; d. Existing site access tracks of c.1.5km in length and 4 no. turbines hardstandings; e. Existing site drainage and; f. All existing ancillary infrastructure, associated site fencing and signage
retention and completion of development consisting of the retention of all works (670 metres of road) caried out pursuant to planning permission planning register reference no. 98/533 and permission for the erection of 4 wind turbines with towers not exceeding 46 metres in height and rotor diameter not exceeding 54.25 metres together with control building and ancillary equipment for the generation of electricity
erection of 2 wind turbines with towers 44 metres in height and rotor diameter of 52 metres and ancillary equipment for the generation of electricity (being an extension to the wind farm referred to in planning ref no. 04/1315.
the erection of 4 wind turbines with towers not exceeding 46 metres in height and rotor diameter not exceeding 54.25 metres with control building and ancillary equipment for generation of electricity. The permission sought for 4 wind turbines is in
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application