15 dweling houses and permission for 4 dwelling houses and site development works at (Application made for 17 dwellinghouses & Permission for 4 dwellinghouses).
Ardsallagh Beg Townland, Roscommon Town, Co. Roscommon.
To (1) Retain and complete the following changes as previously granted under part of Planning Ref: PD/02/17- House 2: change from house type F to house type E: (2) The provision of 2 underground gas tanks for heating purposes servicing the development as granted under PD/02/17 and all associated site development works at
(i) erect 6 no detached dwelling houses,(ii) Amend road layout to front of site 8 and 9.(iii) connect to existing services and access road granted under planning ref. 02/17, and all associated site works at
To construct 5 No. two storey detached dwelling houses and 1 No. Dormer style detached dwelling house with connection to existing services and all associated site development works at
Permission for development consisting of : The installation of new production equipment within the existing butter room of the facility, including raising the roof level over the existing butter room and the consequential alterations to the building elevations together with all ancillary site works and services (there is an existing IPC licence in place for the facility - Licence No. P0802-03) at