Planning Application: 2460164 (Monaghan County Council )
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Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Scotshouse Community Childcare Services CLG
Applicant Address:
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
permission for a development consisting of a single storey childcare facility, new access lane, new car park, connection to existing services and all associated site works, Significant Further Information relates to, Stage 1&2 Road Safety Audit, Revised Drawings, Lighting Design and letter from Traynor Environmental Ltd
permission for a development consisting of a single storey childcare facility, new access lane, new car park, connection to existing services and all associated site works, Significant Further Information relates to, Stage 1&2 Road Safety Audit, Revised Drawings, Lighting Design and letter from Traynor Environmental Ltd
erect 32 no. two storey semi detached dwellinghouses on portion of site previously granted planning permission, planning reference number 01/207 and to connect to existing services and completed waste water treatment plant previously granted planning permission planning reference number 01/207 and ancillary site works on this site
relocate house numbers 26 to 45 (as numbered in previously granted planning permission planning reference number P927/04) and to erect 4 number two storey semi-detached dwellinghouses on site previously granted planning permission, planning reference number P207/01 and P927/04 and ancillary site works on this site
erect 8 no. two storey semi-detached dwellinghouses, a terrace building consisting of two no. two storey three bedroom dwellinghouses and 2 no. two storey two bedroom dwellinghouses, a terrace building consisting of 2 no. two storey three bedroom dwellinghouses and 1 no. two storey two bedroom dwelling house and a terrace building consisting of two no. two storey three bedroom dwellinghouses and 2 no. two storey two bedroom dwellinghouses on portion of site previously granted planning permission (Planning reference no. 01/207) and to connect to existing services and completed waste water treatment plant previously granted planning permission (Planning reference no. 01/207) and ancillary site works
RETAIN revised estate car parking layout, estate road and footpath layout from that previously granted planning permission P927/04 and P1208/04 and PERMISSION to 1) alter estate road layout from that previously granted permission P927/04 and 1208/04. 2) Incorporate traffic control ramps on the estate road to replace the wrought iron railing requested in condition 8a attached to planning permission P927/04. 3) Return area originally intended for 4 number dwellinghouses (Houses 19(34) to 22(37) planning permission reference number P927/04 and P1208/04) to open space and green area. 4) Revise site boundaries and reduce number of dwellinghouses from 32 to 28 previously granted planning permission P927/04 and P1208/04.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application