Planning Application: 23212 (Monaghan County Council )
File Number:
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
McAree Engineering
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
permission for a development consisting of the demolition of the building known as Ballinode Community Hall and partial demolition of workshop buildings to the south and the east of the community hall building, the construction of a two storey over basement office building with training facilities, the provision of carparking and hard surfaced areas around the building and all associated site works, Significant Further information relates to, Draft Waste Water Management plan, Road Safety Audit, Fuel Interceptor details
permission for a development consisting of the demolition of the building known as Ballinode Community Hall and partial demolition of workshop buildings to the south and the east of the community hall building, the construction of a two storey over basement office building with training facilities, the provision of carparking and hard surfaced areas around the building and all associated site works, Significant Further information relates to, Draft Waste Water Management plan, Road Safety Audit, Fuel Interceptor details
consist of an extension to the rear of the community hall containing a kitchen facility and special needs toilet, revisions to the existing internal layout, widening of exit and circulation doorways, the provision of access ramps to the doors on the north facing elevation and all other assocaited site works
Permission for a development consisting of the partial demolition of the building known as Ballinode community hall and the rebuilding of the demolished areas using block work walls with a plastered finish, the replacement of the existing roof structure and finish with the profiled sheeting which is grey in colour, alterations to the internal layout and a change of use to office accommodation from its current use as a community hall, and all ancillary site works.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application