• Extraction and processing on site, to include washing (with associated closed recycled washing plant and lagoon system), screening and crushing plant; storage; stockpiling and haulage of sand and gravel to service the existing readymix concrete plant operated by Kilsaran on the eastern side of the R108 regional road and permitted under P. Ref. 80/572 & 22/153 (ABP-314881-22); •The total extraction proposal extends to an area of c. 6.2 hectares and will be worked (extracted and restored) on a phased basis for a period of 11 years plus 1 year to complete final restoration works (total duration of 12 years); • Phased stripping and storage of topsoil and overburden materials for reuse in the restoration works. Restoration of the site will be to a beneficial agricultural after-use; • Access to the site will be through the existing agricultural enterprise site entrance onto the R108 regional road with upgrade of same to consist of setting-back of the existing boundary wall to the north of the site access, and provision for the upgrade of the existing internal access track and sections of a new access track which will include a new weighbridge; and • All associated site ancillary works within an overall application area of c. 14.9 hectares. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been prepared in respect of this planning application
Kilsaran Concrete Unlimited Company (Trading as Kilsaran Build)
Ford-de-Fine Naul Co. Meath
the development will consist of: Extraction and processing on site, to include washing (with associated closed system silt settlement lagoons), screening and crushing; storage; stockpiling and haulage of sand and gravel to principally service the existing readymix concrete plant operated by Kilsaran Concrete on the eastern side of the R108 regional road and permitted under P. Ref. 80/572; The total extraction area extends to an area of c.6.9 hectares and will be worked (extracted and restored) on a phased basis; Phased stripping and storage of topsoil and overburden materials for reuse in the restoration works. Restoration of the site will be to a beneficial agricultural after-use; Access to the site will be through the existing agricultural enterprise site entrance onto the R108 regional road with upgrade of same and provision for the upgrade of the existing internal access track and section of a new access track; All associated site works within an overall application area of c.17 hectares, and all for a period of 9 years plus 1 year to complete restoration works (total duration of 10 years). An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been prepared in respect of this planning application. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
the extraction of Sand and Gravel for the production of aggregates; the provision of haul road, access road and entrance works on site; the erection of two mobile portacabins, Puraflo system and percolation area; construction of vehicle maintenance shed; installation of weightbridge, wheelwash, concrete recycler, wash and screen plant, and crusher and ancillary works, site area 70 acres with an area for extraction of 50 acres. The planning apppication is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement.
extension of the existing sand and gravel extraction area over an area of 3.19 hectares on an overall site extension area of 4.78 hectares , to supply the concrete batching plant permitted under planning reg sa20073 and An Bord Pleanala ref PL 17.130737; and the construction of landscaped overburden storage mound on the southern boundary, advance boundary planting to the south and eastern boundary and all associated site development and landscaping works. An Environmental Impact Statement will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.
for extraction over an area of c.2.2 hectares on an overall site of 4.49ha, to supply the concrete batching plant permitted under planning ref. SA20073 and An Bord Pleanala PL17.130737. The permitted concrete plant has been temporarily decommissioned and is being stored on site pending the outcome of this application which seeks to relocate the plant. The relocated batching plant will be used for the duration of extraction on the subject site, which will be in the order of 5 years. Planning permission is also sought for installation of a wheel wash facility close to the entrance of the site; alterations to site entrance and gate walls; erection of a portacabin (site office); construction of a landscaped overburden storage and screening mound on the southern boundary of the extension area; erection of a timber post and wire fence to define and protect restored areas; advance boundary planting on part of the southern, western, northern and eastern boundaries of the site; upgrading of the existing site entrance ; and, limitation of HGV movements to and from the site to a maximum of 30 no. truck movements per day (i.e. 15 no.loads/return trips) plus 2 no. cement supply trips per day. This quantum of HGV movements complies with the permitted level of traffic by the planning permission granted under An Bord Pleanala's Ref. PL 17.130737. The Planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)