permission for a new 4 bay agricultural shed, dungsted, retention permission of the existing 173 sq metre agricultural building and conversion of same to consist of a farm office with farm storage area with ancillary 1 bedroom living accommodation, permission is also sought to upgrade & use existing adjacent domestic vehicular entrance, installation of new proprietary wastewater treatment plant & soil polishing filter area and all associated ancillary site services
for permission to construct a new bungalow type dwelling house, domestic garage, new vehicular entrance, proprietary wastewater treatment plant & soil polishing filter area and all associated ancillary site services
to construct new bungalow type dwelling house, domestic garage, new combined vehicular entrance, proprietary wastewater treatment plant & soil polishing filter area. The application shall also consist of permission for a new farm holding to include a new agricultural hay/machinery shed and all associated ancillary site services
Permission for a change of use to convert an existing agricultural building from a hay/ machinery shed to a farm office/ farm storage building with ancillary 1 bedroom living accommodation, use of existing adjacent domestic vehicular entrance, proprietary wastewater treatment plant & soil polishing filter area and all associated ancillary site services at Mulphedder, Clonard, Co. Meath.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application