planning permission for the following at Boycestown, Dunsany, Co. Meath: (1) Construct a 3145sq m extension to the western elevation of the existing herb and salad packing building, (2) construct a 60sq m plant room building, and (3) all associated site works
1) Construct a glasshouse type structure for growing of herb and salad leaves, (2) Construct 3No. above ground water storage tanks and (3) All associated site works
(1) Changes to the geometry and footprint of the glasshouse type structure for growing of herb and salad leaves granted in Planning Application Reference Number 21449, (2) Relocate the 3No. above ground water storage tanks granted in Planning Application Reference Number 21449, and (3) All associated site works
retention permission for (1) 180M2 extension to floor area of extension constructed under granted planning permission reference no TA 161154, and (2) canopy at southern gable end, (3) alterations to doors and (4) all associated site works.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application