the development will consist of a single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling which was previously granted permission under application register reference 21/640. Proposed development consists of A) An extension to the side of the existing dwelling comprising a lounge / living area and B) all ancillary site works
the development will consist of a single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling which was previously granted permission under application register reference 21/640. Proposed development consists of A) An extension to the side of the existing dwelling comprising a lounge / living area and B) all ancillary site works
completion of renovation works including: A) demolition of porch to front of dwelling. B) re-placement of window to front of dwelling. C) internal remodelling to create 3 no. bedrooms. D) demolition of existing single storey rear extension to dwelling. E) widening of existing dwelling vehicular entrance. F) retention of existing domestic storage shed. The development will also consist of proposed new works including: G) construction of new single storey extension to rear of dwelling including kitchen, utility room, WC, Hot press, ensuite and walk in wardrobe. H) decommissioning of existing septic tank, percolation area and well. I) placement of a new wastewater treatment system and associated percolation area to rear of dwelling. J) connection to public water system. K) placement of new safer "bellmouth" style entrance. L) addition of a car port to rear of the existing garage. M) All ancillary site work
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application