Development Description: |
retention permission for development at this site: Balrath Demense, Toberultan, Kells, Co. Meath previously approved under planning refs: KA/160943, KA/110826, and ABP PL17.239861 and further extended under PL Ref: 21/1050. The development will consist of the Retention of Agricultural Wood & Energy Crop Storage, Drying, Processing, Manufacturing Biofuel Building(s) & all ancillary &
associated site services to consist of: (1) An extension to the existing Agri-biofuels building & alterations to cladding to elevations (N1). (2) Alterations and extension to existing boiler house building and associated works. (N3). (3) Alterations and increase in height to vent stack(s) and partial increase in building height, alterations to cladding to elevations and associated structure. (N5, N2). (4) Provision of dust filtration plant & associated works. (N4). (5) Provision of 2No. storage containers (02). (6) Provision of single storey substation building, meter room, diesel storage tanks, generators, transformers & all associated works. (R1, R2, R3, R4). (7) Provision of ash bunker & associated works. (x). (8) Provision of single storey pump house building & associated works. (W1, W2, W3). (9) Alteration & relocation of drier building & associated works. (Q). (10) Provision of wet intake building, single storey production office cabin & associated works (L1, L2). (11) Provision of single storey quality control lab building & separate single storey storage building (L3, L4).
(12) Provision of single storey staff canteen & welfare facilities, electrical contractor cabin, compressor shed & 2no. storage containers (J1, J2, J3, J4). (13) Alterations & relocation of existing single storey office cabins (Y1, Y2). (14) Alterations to existing concrete yard surfaces & associated works (H). (15) Provision of weighbridge(s) 2No. & single storey office cabin (F, F1, F2). (16) Provision of vehicular entrance barrier & associated works (B1). (17) Alterations to existing vehicular site entrance, alteration to entrance gates position, roadside lighting & associated works (B2, V). |