the development consists of retaining the existing school and continuing its use for Children with autism and complex needs as previously granted under planning reg. ref. DA/30282. The school consists of a 516Sq.M. single storey modular building comprising 6 classrooms and associated pupil and staff support rooms and administration areas, along with all necessary and associated site works as currently exists including open and enclosed children's play areas, paths, kerbs and walkways, staff and drop-off parking areas, on-site waste water installation, entrance from public road and boundary fencing
Stepping Stones Educating Children with Autism Ltd
Harristown Kilcloon Co Meath
a single storey extension to existing modular building (previous ref. RA150741) consisting of 2 no. sensory rooms and 2 no. classrooms together with all ancillary and associated site development works
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PLANNING PERMISSION RA150741 - School for children with autism & special needs consisting of 516m2 single storey modular building comprising 6 classrooms and associated pupil & staff support rooms & admin. areas along with all necessary & associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application