the development will consist of demolition of 13 sq. m. GFA lean-to shed and construction of 1,167 sq. m. GFA extension to existing building to house steel cutting machinery and material assembly and welding space, and all associated works including surface water drainage works including enlargement of a soakaway
the development will consist of the installation of 287 solar panels (106.19 kWp) on a 725 sq.m roof section of an existing building and all associated works
the proposed development consists of retention of existing steel finishing machinery and construction of 665 sq.m. GFA extension to existing building to house the steel finishing machinery and associated works including surface water drainage works including provision of a soakaway
retention of existing groundworks and construction of 417 sq.m. GFA extension to existing building to house additional steel storage space and steel finishing machinery
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application