retention permission for development previously granted under planning ref NA/160649 and 211362 at Tara Glen Hall, Clonmagaddan, Kingscourt Road, Navan, Co Meath. The development consists of (1) retention of amendments and alterations to floor plans, including single storey rear extension to previously granted house type B and C. (2) retention of alterations and amendments to elevations of all house types and all ancillary site works
retention permission for development previously granted under planning ref NA/160649 and 211362 at Tara Glen Hall, Clonmagaddan, Kingscourt Road, Navan, Co Meath. The development consists of (1) retention of amendments and alterations to floor plans, including single storey rear extension to previously granted house type B and C. (2) retention of alterations and amendments to elevations of all house types and all ancillary site works
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PLANNING PERMISSION NA/160649/PL17.247211 - the development consists of to demolish existing habitable single storey type dwelling and (1) to construct 11 no. two storey type houses with living accommodation provided to third floor attic space comprising of: 1 no. detached house type A, 8 no. semi-detached house type B and 2 no. semi-detached house type C. (2) Provide accesses onto existing public road via internal service road. (3) Connect to existing services and (4) complete all ancillary site works
the development consists of to demolish existing habitable single storey type dwelling and (1) to construct 11 no. two storey type houses with living accommodation provided to third floor attic space comprising of: 1 no. detached house type A, 8 no. semi-detached house type B and 2 no. semi-detached house type C. (2) Provide accesses onto existing public road via internal service road. (3) Connect to existing services and (4) complete all ancillary site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application