(i) demolition of existing two-storey, four-bedroom, detached dwelling with associated detached single-storey garage and demolition of all existing farm buildings inclusive of 3 no. two-storey sheds and 1 no. single-storey glasshouse; (ii) removal of existing vehicular entrance via R125 (iii) construction of a replacement two-storey four-bedroom detached dwelling, with attached single storey carport/storage area, and the construction of a two-storey outbuilding comprising garage, plant and store room on the ground floor level and gym and art room on the first floor level. The replacement dwelling and outbuilding will be served by a new vehicular entrance off R125 (iv) construction of a farm complex comprising 1 no. two-storey building (comprising workshop, office, canteen and storage uses at ground floor level, and a two-bedroom staff accommodation apartment at first floor level), 3 no. single-storey barns, horse walker, lunge pen and sand area. The farm complex will be accessible via an existing vehicular entrance off R125; (v) construction of 2 no. single-storey grain sheds accessed via the existing vehicular entrance off Ballaghaweary road; and (vi) the development will also include all associated works, inclusive of landscaping, planting, boundary treatments, lighting and foul/surface drainage infrastructure (including 2 no. foul treatment systems & percolation beds, 1 no. underground tank, and no. 3 stone soakways) as necessary to facilitate the development.