a new, part two storey, part single storey dwelling with new entrance off the public roadway including forming of visibility splays; modification of existing farmyard entrance with gates set back further off the roadway; modification of front boundary and hedgerow to provide sightlines; installation of domestic wastewater treatment system and associated polishing filter; removal of three temporary mobile home structures; and including all associated site works, drainage, landscaping, driveway and boundary treatment
a new, part two storey, part single storey dwelling with new entrance off the public roadway including forming of visibility splays; modification of existing farmyard entrance with gates set back further off the roadway; modification of front boundary and hedgerow to provide sightlines; installation of domestic wastewater treatment system and associated polishing filter; removal of three temporary mobile home structures; and including all associated site works, drainage, landscaping, driveway and boundary treatment
conversion of a single storey out buildings that exist on site into a habitable 2 bedroom home. The site entrance and access roadway will be constructed inside the existing established entrance to Walterstown Farm with proposed new waste water treatment plant and percolation area to the side of the development within the farm holding at Walterstown Farm, a Farm holding in excess of 37 grazing acres. The proposed ridge height not exceeding 4.55m
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application