the development will consist of the construction of a two storey detached dwelling house, with a single storey annexe to the side containing utility & garage. The house is to be accessed via the existing vehicular entrance gateway, gateway to be modified to provide dual entrances, re-alinement & setting back of the existing hedgerow and stone wall on either side, new access road, new proprietary wastewater treatment unit and polishing filter, along with all associated services, service connections, landscape and site development works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
the construction of a two storey detached dwelling house, with a single storey annexe to the side containing utility and garage. Roof mounted solar panels, house to be accessed via the existing vehicular entrance gateway, gateway to be modified to provide dual entrances, re-alinement & setting back of the existing hedgerow and stone wall on either side, new access road, new proprietary waste water treatment unit and percolation area, along with all associated services, service connections, landscape and site development works.
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PLANNING PERMISSION NA151412 for the construction of a two storey detached dwelling house, with a single storey annexe to the side containing utility and garage. Roof mounted solar panels, house to be accessed via the existing vehicular entrance gateway, gateway to be modified to provide dual entrances, re-alinement & setting back of the existing hedgerow and stone wall on either side, new access road, new proprietary waste water treatment unit and percolation area, along with all associated services, service connections, landscape and site development works.
Robinson's Crossroads, Ballyhack, Curragha, Ashbourne Co Meath
a development which will consist of demolition of the existing two-storey farm-house and replacement with a two storey dormer dwelling;the construction of a separate garage, a separate ten unit horse stable building, a farm storage shed, a 15,900 L biocycle waste water treatment unit, and a 5 m. wide access road onto the Kilbrew Road 100 m. north of Robinson's Crossroads
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application