Planning application details ref: 2360212 Meath CoCo

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Planning Application: 2360212 (Meath CoCo)
File Number: 2360212
Received Date: 11/08/2023 Decision Due Date: 15/02/2024
Validated Date: 11/08/2023 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 04/10/2023 Further Info Received: 22/11/2023
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 15/02/2024
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 13/03/2024
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 25/01/2024

Applicant Details

Applicant name: SSE Generation (Ireland) Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: the proposed development will comprise a 170MW (electrical output) Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) Power Plant. The proposed development will comprise an electricity generating plant which will use Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) as fuel and will be connected to a previously consented 110kV substation (ABP-303678-19) and associated site works and improved access from the R152. The development comprises the following elements: a) Three gas turbine buildings (each 990m2) each housing 1 no. turbine, 1 no. generator and auxiliary equipment with a total of 269 MWth (thermal output) generating capacity all on concrete plinths. b) The power plant will have three exhaust stacks (25m in height), one exhaust stack per OCGT. Therefore, each OCGT will comprise a standalone Large Combustion Plant. The power plant may need to utilise, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) (18m high, 4.5 width, 14m length) for nitrogen oxides abatement. c) Water treatment plant comprising: • a 275m2 Deionising Building (6m high x 11m wide x 25m long) • a raw water treatment tank of 2,262m3 ( 12.8m high) • a deionised water tank (max. volume of 3,925m3). 15.4m high • a processed water tank of 450m3 (9m high) • 1 no. 20m2 firefighting water tank of 45m3 (2m high) • 1 no. 25m2 firewater module (4m high x 5m wide x 5m long) • 1 no. 41m2 sanitary foul water cesspool tank of 79m3 located underground (1.98m high x 2.5m wide x 16m long) • a bulk chemical storage area (4.75m wide x 7.75m long) d) 2 no. HVO tank (max. storage of 2300 m3 of HVO per tank), 13m high with a diameter of 15m and associated fuel pumping and filtering equipment and pipework, within a 43.5m L x 45.5m W x 1.5m Bund capacity is 2970m3. e) 1 ammonia tank –1.8m high x 3.5m length with bund 2.5 m x 5 m with a height of 1.5 m. f) 1 no. fuel polishing system (3m high x 6m wide x 24m long). g) 2 no. 110 kV transformers each 160m2, and each measuring (5m high x 10m wide x 15m long). 3 no. Lightning Masts (18m in height) and kiosks,cable gantry connection to the adjoining consented 110 kV Substation. h) A 520m2 services building (6m high x 13m wide x 40m long). i) A 160m2 Switchgear (MV) building (5m high x 6.1m wide x 26.3m long). j) All other miscellaneous and ancillary site works, including: 12 no. Car parking spaces and 1 No. fuel unloading bay, one lowered site platform area, new internal roads and hard and soft landscaping including material berms (1.2m to 2m high), a temporary construction compound, temporary
Development Address: Carranstown, Caulstown, Platin, Duleek, County Meath
Architect Name: Location Key: CARRANSTOWN
Electoral Division: Incorrect Icl Voter Recor Planner: Matthew O'Connor
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: Yes Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: "Application contains a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) not an EIA(R)


Decision Date: 15/02/2024 Manager Order: 208/24
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 24
Grant Date: Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 20/01/2035
Decision Description: the proposed development will comprise a 170MW (electrical output) Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) Power Plant. The proposed development will comprise an electricity generating plant which will use Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) as fuel and will be connected to a previously consented 110kV substation (ABP-303678-19) and associated site works and improved access from the R152. The development comprises the following elements: a) Three gas turbine buildings (each 990m2) each housing 1 no. turbine, 1 no. generator and auxiliary equipment with a total of 269 MWth (thermal output) generating capacity all on concrete plinths. b) The power plant will have three exhaust stacks (25m in height), one exhaust stack per OCGT. Therefore, each OCGT will comprise a standalone Large Combustion Plant. The power plant may need to utilise, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) (18m high, 4.5 width, 14m length) for nitrogen oxides abatement. c) Water treatment plant comprising: • a 275m2 Deionising Building (6m high x 11m wide x 25m long) • a raw water treatment tank of 2,262m3 ( 12.8m high) • a deionised water tank (max. volume of 3,925m3). 15.4m high • a processed water tank of 450m3 (9m high) • 1 no. 20m2 firefighting water tank of 45m3 (2m high) • 1 no. 25m2 firewater module (4m high x 5m wide x 5m long) • 1 no. 41m2 sanitary foul water cesspool tank of 79m3 located underground (1.98m high x 2.5m wide x 16m long) • a bulk chemical storage area (4.75m wide x 7.75m long) d) 2 no. HVO tank (max. storage of 2300 m3 of HVO per tank), 13m high with a diameter of 15m and associated fuel pumping and filtering equipment and pipework, within a 43.5m L x 45.5m W x 1.5m Bund capacity is 2970m3. e) 1 ammonia tank –1.8m high x 3.5m length with bund 2.5 m x 5 m with a height of 1.5 m. f) 1 no. fuel polishing system (3m high x 6m wide x 24m long). g) 2 no. 110 kV transformers each 160m2, and each measuring (5m high x 10m wide x 15m long). 3 no. Lightning Masts (18m in height) and kiosks,cable gantry connection to the adjoining consented 110 kV Substation. h) A 520m2 services building (6m high x 13m wide x 40m long). i) A 160m2 Switchgear (MV) building (5m high x 6.1m wide x 26.3m long). j) All other miscellaneous and ancillary site works, including: 12 no. Car parking spaces and 1 No. fuel unloading bay, one lowered site platform area, new internal roads and hard and soft landscaping including material berms (1.2m to 2m high), a temporary construction compound, temporary

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 13/03/2024 BP Reference #: ABP-319278-24
Appeal Type: THIRD PARTY File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: 09/04/2024 Submission Sent Date: 03/04/2024
Appeal Decision: MODIFIED Decision Date: 21/01/2025
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: