Planning Application: 2360274 (Louth County Council )
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Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Ardee Bakery Investments Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Permission for development as follows: 1.Demolition of rear projections and outbuildings associated and within the curtilage of the protected structures (Former Ardee Bread Company protected structure reference 13823007 and the former Sheridan’s Services house protected structure reference 13823006) along with demolition of the boundary wall to Tierney Street. 2. Construction of the following:(a) 2no. apartment buildings ranging in height from 2 storey to 4 storeys which will comprise a total 20no. apartments of which there are 6no. 1 bed and 14no. 2bed units, all with balconies or ground floor terraces along with provision of a communal space at roof level. (b) The provision of 1no. 3bed semi detached dwelling and associated garden area. (c) The adaptation and change of use of the former Ardee Bread Company building (protected structure reference 13823007) to provide for 2no. retail units at ground floor, 2no. 1bed apartments at first floor level and 1no. 1bed duplex apartment. Associated refurbishment works of the former Ardee Bread Company building are also to be carried out. (d) The adaptation and change of use of the former Sheridans Services house(protected structure reference 13823006) to provide for a total of 1no. 2bed apartments and 1no. 1bed apartment. Associated refurbishment works of the former Sheridans Services house are also to be carried out. (e) The creation of a new pedestrian entrance from Tierney Street. (f)Associated bin and bicycle storage facility. (g) Provision of internal footpaths and communal space areas at ground level to include all hard and soft landscape works with planting and boundary treatments;(h)Internal site works and attenuation systems.(i)All ancillary site development/construction works to facilitate foul, water and service networks for connection to the existing foul, water and ESB networks. The proposed works relate to the protected structures within the site (Former Ardee Bread Company protected structure reference 13823007 and the former Sheridan’s Services house (protected structure reference 13823006. **Sig FI Received on 02/02/2024 provided for, inter alia, a reduction in the height of the apartment buildings from four to three storeys and a reduction of the number of apartments by two**
Development Address:
Castle Street and Tierney Street, Ardee, Co Louth, A92 TX47
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Ann McCormick
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
Permission for development as follows: 1.Demolition of rear projections and outbuildings associated and within the curtilage of the protected structures (Former Ardee Bread Company protected structure reference 13823007 and the former Sheridan’s Services house protected structure reference 13823006) along with demolition of the boundary wall to Tierney Street. 2. Construction of the following:(a) 2no. apartment buildings ranging in height from 2 storey to 4 storeys which will comprise a total 20no. apartments of which there are 6no. 1 bed and 14no. 2bed units, all with balconies or ground floor terraces along with provision of a communal space at roof level. (b) The provision of 1no. 3bed semi detached dwelling and associated garden area. (c) The adaptation and change of use of the former Ardee Bread Company building (protected structure reference 13823007) to provide for 2no. retail units at ground floor, 2no. 1bed apartments at first floor level and 1no. 1bed duplex apartment. Associated refurbishment works of the former Ardee Bread Company building are also to be carried out. (d) The adaptation and change of use of the former Sheridans Services house(protected structure reference 13823006) to provide for a total of 1no. 2bed apartments and 1no. 1bed apartment. Associated refurbishment works of the former Sheridans Services house are also to be carried out. (e) The creation of a new pedestrian entrance from Tierney Street. (f)Associated bin and bicycle storage facility. (g) Provision of internal footpaths and communal space areas at ground level to include all hard and soft landscape works with planting and boundary treatments;(h)Internal site works and attenuation systems.(i)All ancillary site development/construction works to facilitate foul, water and service networks for connection to the existing foul, water and ESB networks. The proposed works relate to the protected structures within the site (Former Ardee Bread Company protected structure reference 13823007 and the former Sheridan’s Services house (protected structure reference 13823006. **Sig FI Received on 02/02/2024 provided for, inter alia, a reduction in the height of the apartment buildings from four to three storeys and a reduction of the number of apartments by two**
Demolish former Ardee bakery, jewellers & d'house. Construct 3 storey structure over basement & 4 storey structure over basement at junction of Castle Street/Tierney Street and 2 storey structure over basement on the north-west corner. Basement comprised of 63 car parking spaces, ground floor comprising 2 No. retail units and restaurant (which extends to first floor), first floor comprised of medical centre, restaurant upper level, 4 No. one bedroom apartments and 6 No. two bedroom apartments, second/third floors comprised of 6 No. one bedroom duplex apartments and 1 no. three bedroom apartment together with ancillary accommodation and site works
Permission for development at the former Ardee bakery building and site at Castle street / Tierney Street, Ardee, Co. Louth. Ardee bakery is a protected structure (ID: A18 in the Ardee local area plan; Reg. no. 13823007 in the N.I.A.H). (ID LHS17-018 in the Louth county development plan). The development will consist of the change of use and extension tothe existing structure to accommodate 4 no. retail shops at ground floor level and 4 no. office units at first floor level together with the demolition of out buildings in rear yard and provisions for 34 no. car parking spaces and all associated site works accessed from Tierney Street.
Permission for development at the former Ardee Bakery building and site at Castle Street / Tierney Street, Ardee Co. Louth. Ardee Bakery is a Protected Structure (ID: A18 in the Ardee Local Area Plan; Reg. no. 13823007 in the N.I.A.H). (ID: Lhs17-018 in the Louth County Council Development Plan). The development will consist of the change of use and extension to the existing structure to accommodate 4 no. retail shops at ground floor level and 4 no. office units at first floor level together with the demolition of out buildings in rear yard and provisions for 34 no. car parking spaces and all associated site works accessed from Tierney Street
Retention & Permission for development to protected structure LHS017-055. The development will consist of change of use at ground floor from use as offices and bed & breakfast to use as retail and provide signage and for change of use from use as bed & breakfast at first floor to use as offices. Works to the protected structure to include essential structural repairs to roof and essential internal structural repairs with repair of windows and painting to elevations and to retain internal alterations.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application