Planning Application: 2461372 (Kildare County Council )
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Applicant Details
Applicant name:
David Walsh
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
for Material alterations to previously approved development Pl. Ref. 24/60683. The changes pertain to the following house types: 2-bed Types C and G, and 3-bed Types A, D and F. The principal alterations include: a) Omission of House Type D and its substitution with the revised House Type A, b) Reduction in ground floor ceiling height resulting in a corresponding reduction in overall height for all types, c) Increased Building Depth for the 3-Bed Types A and F leading to a proportional increase in floor area, d) Reduction in the floor area of 2-Bed Types C and G, and, e) Associated Internal and external alterations
To amend parent permission Pl. Ref: 04/300004 (as granted an extension of duration under Pl. Ref : 10/300002) as follows: Replace 54 no. dwellings on a site of 1.792 hectare with 51 no. dwelling units comprising of: 28 house type A on sites 7 to 13, 27 to 33, 28 to 34, 37 to 51 Shanrath Road and 2 to 9 Shanrath View, 16 house type B on sites 15 to 25 Shanrath Road and 1 to 11 Shanrath Walk, 3 house type C on sites 1 to 3 Shanrath Close, 2 house type D on sites 2 Shanrath Walk and 35 Shanrath Road, 1 house type E on site 26 Shanrath Road, 1 house type F on site 1 Shanrath View with all associated siteworks
for a residential development. The development consists of the following: (a) The provision of a total of 48no. residential units which will consist of the following unit mix: 8no. 4-bed two-storey semi-detached dwellings, 34no. 3-bed two-storey semi-detached dwellings, and 6no. 2-bed two-storey semi-detached dwellings, (b) Provision of new internal roadways and footpaths by extension of the existing residential road network within the existing Shanrath Housing Estate, with associated works to facilitate vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access and car parking; (c) Provision of a shared footpath and cycle lane connection with the existing shared footpath and cycle lane along the Athy Distributor Route (N78); (d) Provision of open space areas to include all hard and soft landscape works, planting and boundary treatments to include boundary walls, fencing and railings and play areas; (e) All other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground including; surface water drainage network, petrol oil interception, SuDS features and associated infiltration systems, foul sewerage networks, foul pumping station with access roadway, rising main and connection to the existing public foul drainage network, public lighting and all ancillary site development works on lands
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application