Planning Application: 24381 (Kildare County Council )
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Applicant name:
Ardstone Residential Partners Fund ICAV
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
of amendments to external common areas/landscaping. Planning ref. Nos. 16/1145, 17/886 & 17/1369. Amendments to be retained include: change to material finish of boundary walls; Minor revisions to landscape planting plan submitted as compliance with planning permissions; A new design and location for the proposed informal play area; additional traffic calming measure and new public lighting positions on internal estate roads and all works associated with these revisions
183 no. residential dwellings comprising 16 no. 2-two storey terrace dwellings (Type A); 134 no. 3-bed two storey terrace and semi-detached dwellings (Type A1 & B) and 33 no. 4-bed two storey semi detached and detached dwellings (Type C, C1 & C2); provision of a single storey childcare facility (approximately 324sq.m GFA); provision of vehicular and pedestrian access via existing site entrance off the Naas Inner Relief Road; closure of existing temporary vehicular access road to Primrose Garden and provision of vehicular and pedestrian access to Primrose Garden via proposed development; all ancillary internal access roads, car parking, infrastructure landscaping and boundary treatments and all associated site and development works (above and below ground level) on a site measuring approximately 6.4ha in extent
an amendment to previously permitted residential development Reg. Ref. 16/1145. The proposed amendments relate to 83 No. units only, representing Phase 1 and 2 of the permitted scheme, and comprises of minor modifications to elevational treatments including incorporation of raised gable to bay on front elevations of House Types B, C and C1 (54 No. units); a raised gable to front elevation of House Type A, end of terrace units (2 No. units); continuation of bay window from ground floor to first floor level on House Type A2, end of terrace units, (6 No. units); modified side bay window detail on House Type C1 (3 No. units); addition of 1 No. ground floor side elevation window on House Type A2 (3 No. units) and 1 No. first floor side elevation window on House Type D1 (1 No. unit) together with associated minor amendments to permitted fenestration sizes and configuration and revisions to permitted materials on all House Types (A, A2, B, C, C1, D and D1) together with all other associated and ancillary modifications at a site
an amendment to previously permitted residential development, Reg. Ref. 16/1145 (subsequently amended under Reg. Ref. 17/886) comprising of: the replacement of 2 no. four bed units (Type C) with 4 no. one bed apartments in a two storey block (Type E); minor modifications to elevational treatments of 93 no units representing phase 3 and 4 of the permitted scheme, including incorporation of a raised gable to bay on front elevations of House Types B & C (44 no. units); a raised gable to front elevation of House Type A, end of terrace units (6 no. units); continuation of bay window from ground floor to first floor level on House Type A1, A2 & A3, end of terrace units, (12 no. units); omission of 1 no. ground floor side elevation window on House Type A1 (2 no. units); omission of 1 no. ground floor side elevation on House Type D (6 no. units); omission of 1 no. ground floor side elevation window and provision of 1 no. additional first floor side elevation window on House Type D1 (1 no. unit) together with associated minor amendments to permitted fenestration sizes & configuration and revisions to permitted materials on all House Types (A, A1, A2, A3, B, C, D, & D1); change of boundary treatment along western boundary from a 2.3m masonry wall to 2.3m high wire mash paladin fence together with all other associated and ancillary modifications . The proposed development results in an increase in the total number of units from 178 no. units ( two bed units; 120 no. three bed units and 42 no. four bed units) permitted under Reg. Ref. 16/1145 to 180 no. units ( one bed units;16 no. two beds, 120 no. three beds and 40 no. four beds).
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application