Planning Application: 24280 (Kildare County Council )
File Number:
Application Type:
Planning Status:
Received Date:
Decision Due Date:
Validated Date:
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Further Info Requested:
Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date:
Extend Date:
Decision Type:
Decision Date:
Leave to Appeal:
Appeal Date:
Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Stephen & Gemma McCormack
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
for a single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, the addition of two dormer windows and one rooflight to the front elevation & two dormer windows to the rear elevation, internal alterations to main dwelling, the construction of a single storey shed ancillary to main dwelling and all associated site works. Retention permission is also sought for the existing 1.9mt high boundary fence to the West, South & East boundaries. Revised by Significant Further Information which consists of retention permission for the as-built single storey dwelling and associated revisions to the dwelling previously permitted under PL ref. 01/1996 and retention permission for the 1.9mt high boundary fence to the West, South & East boundaries and existing pillars and recessed walls at site entrance. Permission for the construction of a single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, the addition of two dormer windows and one rooflight to the front elevation & two dormer windows to the rear elevation, internal alterations to the main dwelling, the construction of a single storey shed ancillary to main dwelling and all associated site works. Permission is also sought for the removal of the roadside boundary wall and its replacement with a timber post and rail fence with revisions to the entrance and walls
Development Address:
Derryvarroge, Donadea, Co. Kildare
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Abbie Baldwin
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
for a single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, the addition of two dormer windows and one rooflight to the front elevation & two dormer windows to the rear elevation, internal alterations to main dwelling, the construction of a single storey shed ancillary to main dwelling and all associated site works. Retention permission is also sought for the existing 1.9mt high boundary fence to the West, South & East boundaries. Revised by Significant Further Information which consists of retention permission for the as-built single storey dwelling and associated revisions to the dwelling previously permitted under PL ref. 01/1996 and retention permission for the 1.9mt high boundary fence to the West, South & East boundaries and existing pillars and recessed walls at site entrance. Permission for the construction of a single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, the addition of two dormer windows and one rooflight to the front elevation & two dormer windows to the rear elevation, internal alterations to the main dwelling, the construction of a single storey shed ancillary to main dwelling and all associated site works. Permission is also sought for the removal of the roadside boundary wall and its replacement with a timber post and rail fence with revisions to the entrance and walls
To demolish the existing prefabricated dwelling and sheds on my site and to erect a 3 bed dormer type, permanent displacement dwelling together with new septic tank, Puraflo effluent treatment system and percolation area
part single storey and part first floor extension to the rear of the existing dwelling along with internal alterations and amendments to the elevations including new dormer windows along with a single storey shed ancillary to the main dwelling and all other associated site development works of the dwelling substantially completed under the previously granted planning permission Reg. Ref. 01/1996. Retention permission is also sought for the 1.9m high boundary fencing to west, south and east boundaries
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application