for the development of the provision of a total of 66no. apartments in 1no. building. Particulars of the development comprise as follows: (a) Creation of an access point to the lands from Farnham Road along with construction of a bridge to facilitate the internal access road to the lands. (b) Provision of an internal access road and footpaths to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access. (c) The provision of 1no. 5 storey apartment block which will comprise a total 66no. apartments of which there are 26no. 1 bed units, 32no. 2 bed units and 8no. 3 bed units all with balconies or ground floor terraces. (d) The provision of associated communal and public open spaces to include a formal play area. (e) Associated bin and bicycle storage facilities. (f) Provision of internal footpaths and communal space areas at ground level to include all hard and soft landscape works, public lighting, planting and boundary treatments to include for retaining walls. (g) Provision of 1no. ESB substation.(h) Provision of a foul pumping station with associated infrastructure. (i) Provision of 49no. parking spaces which are to be provided at surface level within the courtyard and via an under-croft at the rear of the building, electric vehicle charge points with associated site infrastructure and ducting to provide charge points throughout the site. (j) Internal site works and attenuation systems which will include for provision of a hydrocarbon and silt interceptor prior to discharge. (k) Provision of an internal foul, storm and water networks all ancillary site development works
for the development of the provision of a total of 66no. apartments in 1no. building. Particulars of the development comprise as follows: (a) Creation of an access point to the lands from Farnham Road along with construction of a bridge to facilitate the internal access road to the lands. (b) Provision of an internal access road and footpaths to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access. (c) The provision of 1no. 5 storey apartment block which will comprise a total 66no. apartments of which there are 26no. 1 bed units, 32no. 2 bed units and 8no. 3 bed units all with balconies or ground floor terraces. (d) The provision of associated communal and public open spaces to include a formal play area. (e) Associated bin and bicycle storage facilities. (f) Provision of internal footpaths and communal space areas at ground level to include all hard and soft landscape works, public lighting, planting and boundary treatments to include for retaining walls. (g) Provision of 1no. ESB substation.(h) Provision of a foul pumping station with associated infrastructure. (i) Provision of 49no. parking spaces which are to be provided at surface level within the courtyard and via an under-croft at the rear of the building, electric vehicle charge points with associated site infrastructure and ducting to provide charge points throughout the site. (j) Internal site works and attenuation systems which will include for provision of a hydrocarbon and silt interceptor prior to discharge. (k) Provision of an internal foul, storm and water networks all ancillary site development works
erect 70 no. fully serviced two bed apartments in one block, detached bin store, entrance, connection to public sewer and watermain, service road, associated parking (both underground & external) and all ancillary works
for the provision of a total of 67no. apartments in 1no. building. Particulars of the development comprise as follows: (a) Demolition of existing buildings on-site and associated site clearance works. (b) Creation of an access point to the lands from Farnham Road along with construction of a bridge to facilitate the internal access road to the lands. (c) Provision of an internal access road and footpaths to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access. (d) The provision of 1no. 5 storey apartment block which will comprise a total 67no. apartments of which there are 26no. 1 bed units, 33no. 2 bed units and 8no. 3 bed units all with balconies or ground floor terraces. (e) The provision of associated communal and public open spaces to include a formal play area. (f) Associated bin and bicycle storage facilities. (g) Provision of internal footpaths and communal space areas at ground level to include all hard and soft landscape works, public lighting, planting and boundary treatments to include for retaining walls. (h) Provision of 1no. ESB substation. (i) Provision of parking, electric vehicle charge points with associated site infrastructure, ducting to provide charge points throughout the site. (j) Internal site works and attenuation systems which will include for provision of a hydrocarbon and silt interceptor prior to discharge. (k) Provision of an internal foul, storm and water networks all ancillary site development works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application