Planning application details ref: 1433 Carlow County Council

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Planning Application: 1433 (Carlow County Council )
File Number: 1433
Received Date: 17/02/2014 Decision Due Date: 22/05/2014
Validated Date: 17/02/2014 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 31/03/2014 Further Info Received: 25/04/2014
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 22/05/2014
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By:

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Walsh Whiskey Distillery Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: The establishment of an Irish Whiskey Distillery & associated visitor facilities at Holloden Hse Demesne, Clorusk Lr, Royal Oak, Bagenalstown. Holloden Hse is listed as a protected structure in the Carlow County Development Plan, Ref. CW46. The proposed development involves;(1) Distillery Building with millroom, mashroom, stillroom, process area, boilerhouse & water works; workshop/store; cask filling/emptying station; ESB transformer room & low tension switchroom, staff facilities & visitor route; external bunded areas & accommodation tank farms & co-products storage area.(2) Distillery Yard with security fencing & gates; bulk gas tank compound; underground wastewater collection chambers & balancing tank; rising main, pumps & pipework.(3) Cask Warehouse No.1.(4) Cask Warehouse No.2.(5) 2 no. Wells for process water.(6) Cooling water abduction & return station from/to the River Barrow; water intake, pipework to/from the Distillery & return outfall.(7) Water storage pond for fire & emergency use.(8) Fire water & distillate retention tank (dry) as a safety measure for emergencies.(9) Pump house with sampling & monitoring chamber for discharge of wastewater to the town effluent treatment plant.(10) Reconfiguration of the existing entrance gateways.(11) Restoration of the existing avenue to Holloden Hse for car, cycle and pedestrian use.(12) Formation of new avenue to the distillery with linking avenue to Holloden Hse; bus & carparking areas for staff and visitors; overflow visitor carparking within a section of the Walled Garden.(13) Restoration of Hollonden Hse & out-offices including construction of two storey link extension for lift and toilets, single storey extension for catering kitchen & opening up of central arch in yard screen wall to improve access. C.O.U to Distillery Visitor Centre incorporating reception area & shop retailing distillery & tourism related merchandise; café/restaurant/tasting area; cooperage & warehouse exhibition area; general events accommodation & management offices.(14) Associated hard & soft landscaping works include; reinstatement/repair of existing walls & fences; new railings & fencing to pasture & parkland; signage; repair & enhancement of the Walled Garden, woodland walks, garden features & follies.(15) Re-configuration of the existing farm entrance at Royal Oak Road to provide for maintenance & emergency services access. A Permission of 10 Years duration is sought for the completion of this proposed development.
Development Address: Holloden House Demesne , Clorusk Lower , Bagenalstown , Co. Carlow
Architect Name: Location Key: CLORUSKE LOWER WELLS, ROYAL OAK
Electoral Division: Planner: None
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 22/05/2014 Manager Order: 30087
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 29
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Grant Date: 24/06/2014 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 23/06/2024
Decision Description: The establishment of an Irish Whiskey Distillery & associated visitor facilities at Holloden Hse Demesne, Clorusk Lr, Royal Oak, Bagenalstown. Holloden Hse is listed as a protected structure in the Carlow County Development Plan, Ref. CW46. The proposed development involves;(1) Distillery Building with millroom, mashroom, stillroom, process area, boilerhouse & water works; workshop/store; cask filling/emptying station; ESB transformer room & low tension switchroom, staff facilities & visitor route; external bunded areas & accommodation tank farms & co-products storage area.(2) Distillery Yard with security fencing & gates; bulk gas tank compound; underground wastewater collection chambers & balancing tank; rising main, pumps & pipework.(3) Cask Warehouse No.1.(4) Cask Warehouse No.2.(5) 2 no. Wells for process water.(6) Cooling water abduction & return station from/to the River Barrow; water intake, pipework to/from the Distillery & return outfall.(7) Water storage pond for fire & emergency use.(8) Fire water & distillate retention tank (dry) as a safety measure for emergencies.(9) Pump house with sampling & monitoring chamber for discharge of wastewater to the town effluent treatment plant.(10) Reconfiguration of the existing entrance gateways.(11) Restoration of the existing avenue to Holloden Hse for car, cycle and pedestrian use.(12) Formation of new avenue to the distillery with linking avenue to Holloden Hse; bus & carparking areas for staff and visitors; overflow visitor carparking within a section of the Walled Garden.(13) Restoration of Hollonden Hse & out-offices including construction of two storey link extension for lift and toilets, single storey extension for catering kitchen & opening up of central arch in yard screen wall to improve access. C.O.U to Distillery Visitor Centre incorporating reception area & shop retailing distillery & tourism related merchandise; café/restaurant/tasting area; cooperage & warehouse exhibition area; general events accommodation & management offices.(14) Associated hard & soft landscaping works include; reinstatement/repair of existing walls & fences; new railings & fencing to pasture & parkland; signage; repair & enhancement of the Walled Garden, woodland walks, garden features & follies.(15) Re-configuration of the existing farm entrance at Royal Oak Road to provide for maintenance & emergency services access. A Permission of 10 Years duration is sought for the completion of this proposed development.

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: